A tale as old as time: Beauty and the Beast

Known best for her role as Hermione Granger in Harry Potter, Emma Watson stars as Belle in Disney's new "Beauty and the Beast", a remake of their 1991 animated version. Alongside her costars Dan Stevens (Beast), Luke Evans (Gaston) and Josh Gad (La fool), the tale is revolutionised as one of the more feminist Disney movies of the 21st century. 

Image result for beauty and the beast
Smashing box office records, Beauty and the Beast featured the same musical numbers as the old, appealing to older viewers as well as younger ones. The distinct and beautiful voices of all characters in the musical numbers made for an entertaining and emotional journey, despite knowing all the events that would occur.

Image result for emma watson as belleEmma Watson playing the talented female heroine ‘Belle’ acts as a role model for young girls all over the globe, as they watch her turn down a man who is not right for her, despite society telling her otherwise. We see her go to endless lengths for her family, and develop a strong emotional connection with an outcast of society, adding to the theme woven through the story; Don’t judge a book by its cover. We watch as she stands up for things she believes in, goes out of her way to help others, and of course, what’s a Disney movie without someone falling in love.

Without a doubt, the 2017 Beauty and the Beast is possibly one of the best Disney remakes of the 21st century. 5 stars!



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