Our Vlog is up!

This is our vlog!

The basic gist is that we recreated what its like to do a uni group assignment by stereotyping. With one person who is bossy, another who is always late and making excuses, one who is constantly crying, and one that everyone hates. This isn't to be taken seriously, as it is entertaining and relatable in particular to Uni students. We related it to our blog through cinematic techniques such as talking heads and different shots, as well as the reference to Friends!

We put this together by filming at Macquarie Uni campus, by the lake and outside the classrooms. Each group member featured in the film and contributed ideas and suggestions throughout the assessment. This collaboration provided us with the end product, as seen below! Isobel used iMovie to piece the whole film together, and Maddie uploaded it onto YouTube. Check it out below!


-Maddie and the rest of the team


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