The Undateables: Exploiting Disability?

The Undateables is a TV series run by Channel 4 in the UK and surrounds the difficulties with finding love for people with disabilities and other potential life-threatening conditions. It is a light-hearted show meant to entertain yet allows the viewer to sympathise in some cases with the individuals shown within each episode as they battle the complications that dating brings to the table.

Disabilities such as Tourettes Syndrome, Autism and Asperges are showcased within different episodes, and these disabilities are presented in a multitude of different ways which communicates the concept that everyone is unique and different, even if they are labelled to act or perform in a certain stereotypical way.

Some have argued that the series creates entertainment and comedic value from people's disabilities as they may not conform to what is seen as 'normal' by other peoples standards.

According to the Daily Mail's post (which is linked below), doctors have found the show to be offensive, and the individuals featured on the show to be exploited by the public. There is also an argument against this view, which strongly believes that the series shows real people dealing with real problems which are shown on television to normalise disability in a positive light. It could also potentially help people who have disabilities similar to those featured on The Undateables, allowing them to feel like it's okay to be themselves and to look for love as any other person would.

Overall, while the show is potentially exploiting people who have a disability for entertainment, it  provides individuals who live with these disabilities outside of the show who watch it to gain the confidence that can allow them to go on to possibly date themselves.

Take a look at one of the episodes and decide for yourself:




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